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76561197993405577 Steam join date: Oct 17, 2007
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Originally Posted by
if they dont exsist there in a private bp =/ and why does everyone think you gave out your pw...... people get hacked due to keyloggers and such every once and a while
Because it's almost never keyloggers (with the exception of idiots using backpack scanners), or ninja hackers that break into your house while you sleep and Incept you to get your password.
You use the same stupid password for your email, your forum accounts and steam. And when one of the gets hacked, they all get hacked.
He's not standing on a street corner handing out fliers that say "My Password Is 12345", but he might as well be. By being an idiot and using the exact same password with the exact same (or very similar) ID's on multiple sites/platforms you're giving your password out every time. All it takes is one site to get hacked (Gawker networks for example, that powers Kotaku, or whatever) then the lists of UID/Pass combo's eventually hit the internet at large, and someone who likes TF2 will invariably try to log into steam with that.