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Thread: dol4n duz price cheks so he demandz tipz

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amba
    Hamstar and IKEbot.

    Instead of crying like a big gay baby over it, just say "sorry bro, don't give price checks, later" it's not hard and there's no need to post your tl;dr walls of terrible writing about it.
    I'm sorry, and you are?

    You're a child until you start talking to other people with respect and maturity. You are one of the many reasons on a growing list of why I am getting sick of being a part of this community. Go back to /b/, kid.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamstar
    >you start talking to other people with respect and maturity
    >Go back to /b/, kid.
    So you fall into your own definition of a child. Oh internet, why are there so many people who tend to contradict themselves and then raise double-standarts to hide it(accuse someone of being immature while being the said themselves).
    Just my 2cents.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamstar
    Quote Originally Posted by Amba
    Hamstar and IKEbot.

    Instead of crying like a big gay baby over it, just say "sorry bro, don't give price checks, later" it's not hard and there's no need to post your tl;dr walls of terrible writing about it.
    I'm sorry, and you are?

    You're a child until you start talking to other people with respect and maturity. You are one of the many reasons on a growing list of why I am getting sick of being a part of this community. Go back to /b/, kid.

    What I'm saying is, instead of complaining about it, "and becoming less and less polite" as you said yourself, why not just say no?

    And attempting to be condescending doesn't make you any more mature or respectful, so, GJ there I guess.

  4. #24
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  5. #25
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    I myself have asked him for a pricecheck before, but I had myself offered to tip him beforehand.

    I sometimes do so to people, especially when i really need one.

    That's never happening again...
    Quote Originally Posted by GCoin
    themed my arse

  6. #26
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    BAHAHWHWHAHHWHWHWHWHHWWHA this is a joke right? who makes a thread like this. this guy trades me out of nowhere, never seen him before. he asks me for his prices on his hats. i tell him. i ask for somthing in return, and i said like a strange or something. then he goes on to say he doesn't own a strange blah blah blah. point is don't randomly trade people out of the middle of their time to play and expect to do it without a tip. you really think I'm the only one who asks for a tip? this is legitimately hilarious, that there is a thread on forums for this. this is a game for trading and playing, not for people to make threads hating on others especially if they don't know them in real life, and haven't heard both sides of the story. this is pathetically hilarious!

  7. #27
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    by the way - how dare you reference me out of nowhere, atom. who the hell are you to judge me, dude? you should be in the flame bucket thing..

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOL4N
    by the way - how dare you reference me out of nowhere, atom. who the hell are you to judge me, dude? you should be in the flame bucket thing..
    This is a flame bucket, I have posted in the appropriate section. Who the hell am I to judge you? You posted on your own steam profile (lol) of you begging for a tip in the most pathetic fashion possible, in displaying it on a public profile, you have welcomed people to judge you.

    The person in this matter (who was so taken back by your response) added me, I did not add him. He was surprised price checks work that way, that in randomly adding, the individual in question would be so forceful and rude in acquiring an item from him. When you were going through a laundry list of what items you demanded from him, I couldn't help but vomit (you owe me a keyboard).

    That is what separates a "trusted" community member from merely someone who buys and sells consistently. We are generous with our time and if we do not have the time to price check due to a continual stream of them we simply politely decline or refer. Our time is also precious as we have many things to attend to but it doesn't prevent us from a random add PC which takes merely a few minutes of estimation. A tip is appreciated but not necessary. Obviously etiquette by ones good graces is not in your moral framework so I will not continue along this argument as you simply would not understand.

    I too have done 100000000 price checks with no urge to be "compensated" for my time. I believe J12 was so use to engaging with selfless members of the community in terms of a price check that he had never taken the plunge to ask a "fucking asshole" like yourself. It's not a "fucking tip" when you are on your knees begging for it. (Expletives are quoted from you)

    tldr; Dol4n in your words, though you "get nothing" from price checks, down the track you gain so much more. I haven't gone "shit crazy" I've come out richer from the other side in both senses of the word. That forceful, predatory approach you aimed at J12 is exactly what is wrong with TF2 trading today.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by atom
    Quote Originally Posted by DOL4N
    by the way - how dare you reference me out of nowhere, atom. who the hell are you to judge me, dude? you should be in the flame bucket thing..
    This is a flame bucket, I have posted in the appropriate section. Who the hell am I to judge you? You posted on your own steam profile (lol) of you begging for a tip in the most pathetic fashion possible, in displaying it on a public profile, you have welcomed people to judge you.

    The person in this matter (who was so taken back by your response) added me, I did not add him. He was surprised price checks work that way, that in randomly adding, the individual in question would be so forceful and rude in acquiring an item from him. When you were going through a laundry list of what items you demanded from him, I couldn't help but vomit (you owe me a keyboard).

    That is what separates a "trusted" community member from merely someone who buys and sells consistently. We are generous with our time and if we do not have the time to price check due to a continual stream of them we simply politely decline or refer. Our time is also precious as we have many things to attend to but it doesn't prevent us from a random add PC which takes merely a few minutes of estimation. A tip is appreciated but not necessary. Obviously etiquette by ones good graces is not in your moral framework so I will not continue along this argument as you simply would not understand.

    I too have done 100000000 price checks with no urge to be "compensated" for my time. I believe J12 was so use to engaging with selfless members of the community in terms of a price check that he had never taken the plunge to ask a "fucking asshole" like yourself. It's not a "fucking tip" when you are on your knees begging for it. (Expletives are quoted from you)

    tldr; Dol4n in your words, though you "get nothing" from price checks, down the track you gain so much more. I haven't gone "shit crazy" I've come out richer from the other side in both senses of the word. That forceful, predatory approach you aimed at J12 is exactly what is wrong with TF2 trading today.
    omg, your pissing me off now with your tf2 trading drama. get a life, dude. there is not 1 thing wrong with asking for a tip after you gave a price check, so to you atom...

  10. #30
    Kikwit's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by DOL4N
    I'm fat and probably have lots of backhair
    What's hilarious to me is someone would come to you, and actually ask your opinion.

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