Is there away to add custom spawn items. I added one and i put it in the spawnlist but when I spawn it it's a error. I put the materials in the right folder and models but it's not working is there anything else I would have to do.
Is there away to add custom spawn items. I added one and i put it in the spawnlist but when I spawn it it's a error. I put the materials in the right folder and models but it's not working is there anything else I would have to do.
Make sure the model path is correct and that the client has all the necessary model files and materials.
I put the file on my computer and it worked but is there away for my server to download them to people so they dont have to go and get them some where.
Add all files to DF_forcedownloads.txt
Ok if i add it to the forcedownload do i put like, materials/models/soda/cola.vmt Do I add each file in that folder just like that for they can download.
Yes, do that for each file and it should work fine.
If I need it to download a file to someone so it's on there computer would i put this materials/models/makka to make them donwload that folder cause i do but i'm still getting a error sign.
No, you have to do each individual file.
I think im doing somethign wrong. Heres what I did, I fixed the spawn list so i could spawn the object. Then I put the materials folder on the server then the models folder. In the force downloads I put materials/models/makka12/ and models/makka12. But it doesnt download it to the players.
No, you need the actual names of the files. Extensions and everything. You can't just put a folder. You have to put each individual file that you want sent.