I've upgraded php nuke and the forums to more recent versions. I have fixed a couple of problems already. If anyone notices more, please let me know.
I've upgraded php nuke and the forums to more recent versions. I have fixed a couple of problems already. If anyone notices more, please let me know.
quote is broken.Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
It turns out normal quotes work fine. The new version is being stupiud and replacing " with " which breaks the whole quote= thing.
It fixed the new post bug I was telling you about df :]
edit: Actually it's only partially fixed. It still marks ALL topics as read once I read any of them, but it fixed a lot of other bugs I was having.
quote is fixed. (you have to edit your quoted post to fix it)Originally Posted by Hell-met
Kaylee, it could have been that I just reset all sessions because I upgraded the forums again separately.Originally Posted by Kaylee
Alright, the forums are now latest version available. I'm posting again to make sure it works.
Screenshot removed
Closed browser twice and got the same error all 2 times.
Thanks, fixed.
Well, it's not doing it now. Thanks df :]Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
This is like my Sourceop forum dream come true