Oct 13, 2011, 12:15 PM
Does Anyone Else Feel Like This?
Yes, this is item related. I was just thinking about the unusual community and damn is it small. Some reasons I think that:
There's only about 4-5 highly-visited unusual trade servers.
I run into the same people I trade with every day on either sourceop, tf2outpost, or an unusual trade server. It's like always the same people.
Big traders hoarde all the unusuals so when I'm searching for unusuals I'll find the one I want and it looks like one guy has 4 of them and 5 other people have 1 each, and most won't trade them.
The same money stays in fucking circulation. Seriously someone must notice this pattern already...
Aquire cheap unusual > Turn it into better unusual > turn that into money > use the money to buy an unusual that's just as good > break that into 2+ cheap unusuals > repeat until cashout
It's like when me and my friends play blackjack, because since it's a game of chance, mostly, we're circulating the same money and sometimes one of us will get a lucky winning streak and take home some dosh, but then they gamble it the next day and lose the majority and end up in the same place. But basically, the same money pretty much stays in circulation. Literally I think there's been very little money actually added to the mix.
Most of the time, if there are keys bought, it's only in order to trade that for refined metal. And if the key, say, is sold to another trader for 2 refined, that trader will then attempt to sell that key for 2.33 ref, making 1 rec of profit. But where I'm going with this is that nobody actually unboxes. Only people not interested in profit unbox, making it rare so very rarely do I see people even unbox the keys they have. In fact, I'm pretty sure keys are just traded down until they find someone who doesn't care about profit and wants to open it. And so you have to count on that little man to unbox a new unusual that can be added to the mix, otherwise it's the same unusuals and the same money in circulation.
Anyways I didn't mean for that to come off as a "rant" more as it was just something I'd noticed and I was wondering if anyone felt the same.
In advance, thanks for reading/posting!