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Thread: Rest in peace, Steve jobs :(

  1. #21
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by sirus
    The only thing Apple needs to do now to bring up their shares past 500+ is let Google run their Android system on their phones and then I can kiss this shitty job goodbye and say hello to retirement early. Thats their only fault with that proprietary bs they pull each time.
    Actually this would get them laughed out of the market because their phones run on hilariously shitty ARM processors.

    The reason apples have been proprietary for this long is because compared objectively to their competitors they're lacking.

    And I did read what you said. You keep rating a companies success solely based off of their stock value and this is fallacious at best. Junk traders try and push this shit all of the time and they keep getting ignored.

    Or else you're just an apple fanboy grasping at the only thing they're doing better than anybody and pretending everybody else is mad for calling you stupid.

    Also why are you going of FY assets?
    Actually I just re-read this and realized you don't have a clue what I'm even talking about.

    Enjoy your uneducated opinion.

  2. #22
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    Which is why I bought an android system ran on a samsung galaxy. If you havent learned anything from my posts at least read this... I root for apple for nothing more than the money they give me by making their fanboys buy their overpriced shit. They put that OS on their phones and their market in phones would rival that of nokia and samsung.

  3. #23
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    Genius. Except that android won't run on ARM processors so they would have to re-sell every phone in its market share, admit that their old software didn't measure up which would lose them your precious stock value and most of their customers would move on to cheaper better phones without that iOS label on it.

    This is why junk traders are junk traders. They have no scope of the markets sustainability.

  4. #24
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    Also why are you going of FY assets?

    Actually I just re-read this and realized you don't have a clue what I'm even talking about.

    Enjoy your uneducated opinion.
    Jesus you are a complete fucking moron. I can re-read your posts as well and what is "personal assets"? Is that current? tangible? intangible? investments or fixed? Can it be touched or converted? Is it physical or liquid? How are you comparing assets of a company to that of an individual?

    Answer the damn question or shut the fuck up and realize your posts are about as smart as a chimp playing a speak n spell. Jesus now i know why womb hates your idiotic and retarded drivel.

  5. #25
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    to be fair i think im starting to hate yours too

    lololol fuck im so funny

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Genius. Except that android won't run on ARM processors so they would have to re-sell every phone in its market share, admit that their old software didn't measure up which would lose them your precious stock value and most of their customers would move on to cheaper better phones without that iOS label on it.

    This is why junk traders are junk traders. They have no scope of the markets sustainability.
    Wow now i'm a junk trader lol. It's already widely known that it is possible to run the android system on an up on it hillbilly. Apple could expand on the idea and run with it if they wanted to but like i said before they more than likely won't.

    Once again you show your moronic posts.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    to be fair i think im starting to hate yours too

    lololol fuck im so funny
    bout as funny as a bald man at a mr. clean convention...

  8. #28
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    what's funny about being bald

  9. #29
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    Patrick stewart pulls it off pretty well.
    I was a commando you know.

  10. #30
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    Steve jobs was probably bald after the chemo

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