Now I'm not usually the type to bitch and moan about things that happen on the internet (srs business) but I figured I could release a bit on this nifty board.
Why do you people fucking insist on being so rude about trading? When I started out, I was given some pretty shitty unusuals but I didn't quite realize. I had a green energy whoopee cap and I was always getting trade requests for it so I figured it would be worth something. I wasn't aware that it really wasn't too popular however so it took me a while to find a buyer. But on so many offers I posted, the response was always rude as fuck. I had countless people saying things like
"That isn't worth shit. fuck off"
"HAHAHAHA this is a joke right?"
"Lol fucking lowballer"
And I wasen't exactly asking for a burning team captain, either. I was asking for hats worth like 7-12 buds which I know now is obviously a lowball on my part, but I wasn't aware of that at the time.
Honestly do you "high-profile" traders have any respect for newbies? Whenever I get lowballed I respond with a "thanks for the offer, but I'm looking for something more." Would it really kill you to not be a complete dick about it? I pity those assholes who feel like they're more elite somehow because of their fancy pixels. News flash, assholes, I'm giving you an offer, you can take it or leave it. No need to be a faggot about it.
I just ask that some of you guys be nicer to the newbies. Everyone has to start somewhere, right?