May 11, 2008, 11:32 AM
DF is a big fat stupid head
omg so like two days ago I was sniping on dustbowl and had broken my sniper headshot and kills record and was still going, but then Drunken F00l spawned a waterfall of barrels in front of my face and an enemy sniper popped up and headshotted me! I was only 2 headshots away from at least tying my all time cross-class point record, who knows how far I could have gone? Oh yeah and this was all in the first two minutes of the first area of dustbowl before the first point was even capped, so I still would have had a bunch of time to continue.
So that's why DF is a doodoo head.
Oh yeah plus he still hasn't removed ctf_well and his girlfriend is a lesbo dyke who only dates him to keep up appearances!!!