i have a problem, i just got a new quad core prosessor, and after i instaded it and started it up i get a messasge from the bios saying BOOTMGR is missing, so i tryed to boot for the disk, but it just goes to blue screen part way threw
i have a problem, i just got a new quad core prosessor, and after i instaded it and started it up i get a messasge from the bios saying BOOTMGR is missing, so i tryed to boot for the disk, but it just goes to blue screen part way threw
alright i fixed this with a reformat
but now a new problem, either my odl dvd rom or my new blu ray drive is causing a crash
alright its both, and only thing i can think of is it is the fact that windows is out of data, pre vistat service pack one?
A quad core shouldn't of forced you to wipe your hdd, however it may of forced a reinstall of vista (many of vistas features are in fact processor dependent). You may of caused a static discharge on your motherboard damaging some of the components. Hence why you had to reformat and why your drives are not working. An out of date windows package would not cause this (running a quad on 5 operating systems (xp x86,xp x64, vista ultimate x32, vista ultimate x64 and Linux fedora). The vista is still pre date of sp1 and the blueray drive works perfectly. The only thing I can suggest is trying another dvd/cd/blueray drive and see if the problem still occurs. If it does check the connectors and see if there is any damage to them. Also check the cables. If there are damage to these connectors (burning, missing pins) Then you may need to buy a new motherboard or try and repair it (I advise the first the second option is hard and can be quite tricky. I hope this has been of some help.
my bios detects the dirves, it only crashes after vista tryes to load,
omg it was windows, i was gona say, the drives have a steel outer casing, they nwould not be affected by statick, after updating it works now
Quad core's are awsome proccessors. Im so glad i didn't take naquadria's advice on this one component when i built my comp lol![]()
Davethegreat, If you increase or decrease the ammount of cores or threads (like changing from a dual-core to a quad-core) than you will be required to reinstall the operating system.
If I went in and change the amount of cores used through my bios, windows would fail to run without safe-mode activated.