May 05, 2008, 06:23 PM
Spawning Items.
Hello, I have to say excellent work drunken fool. I just installed this mod onto my new HL2DM to turn it into a build server, by using some of your functions.
I was wondering if you could make a slight modification, or tell me how to do this.
I want to be able to set up trusted members that can spawn every item, this is available by adding them to steam id list.
However I wish to be able to give normal members to spawn only items approved by me or my administrators, I can see two ways of doing this, catching the players (X,Y,Z) coordinates and spawning it in front of them, or you doing it using your way.
The way I am planning on doing it is !spawn <ITEM>, in chat, I can set this up for trusted people, but not for untrusted. So either you can make the modifaction or you could tell me what to catch.
Thanks Dave.
P.S Have we met before?