i think DF should award perminet resevre slots to anyone who has been an active member on the forums for more then 1 year
i think DF should award perminet resevre slots to anyone who has been an active member on the forums for more then 1 year
well i tought it was a good idea considering the list is like 5 people long
and 2 of them are admins
You just want to mooch.
lol true. but i'm looking out for my home boys too
just donate and he'll give you a reserved slot.
I have a slot on every server
Reserved slots imho should be for those who are willing to take some of the worry of administering the servers off the shoulders of the admins. By donating to the servers you are in a sense supporting the play environment and the admins do not have to worry about covering the server bill by working extra, so they get to enjoy the server a bit more as well. Everybody wins. When you donate to the servers you are providing a play environment for yourself as well as someone else who may or may not be donating, you need opponents or the game will get boring, fast. But as a donor you should get at least first opportunity to enjoy what you support.
the world isn't that simple, whit college, and a part time job i can't even pay for food much less donate to these server, just having Internet is already walking a fine line, some of us have lives, and are mommy's can't alway whip our asses for us
second of all, theres theres more effective ways of helping the server then buying a reserve slot just so YOU can gain more right to play then some guy who has worked all his life and just wants a chance to relive some stress, me and larz have been helping solve problems and arguments, and acting as middle men for the admins, whether they know it or not, for over 2 years, judging by how you talk i bet your one of the people who start augments on the server
third, even if i donate i wouldn't want a reserve slot, using money to get your way is asinine, and not my way, if i accept a reserve slot it will only be because DF gives it to me
Wow i dont know what was up ur ass ret but damn. $10 for a reserve slot that doesn't expire isn't a lot. Even with all that it isn't hard to set $1-2 a side a week. DF isn't made of money either, nor do his parents pay for his server. The reserve slots are mainly to say thanks for donating to help keep the server online and for coming back and playing all the time. You had no reason to say all that about Asai's post.
Vets of a server / community always have more pull then new people. You don't need reserve slots to prove it. Yes you've been around helping since sourceop was on hl2dm and we're greatful for all the help you've given out to players who've come to play on the servers. But in being a veteran you think you'd be more open to the idea of donating and supporting the servers you play on all the time... and not telling other players their ideas of donating for a reserve slots are stupid.
Also next time you feel the need to flame someone do it in the flame bucket, where it belongs.
my problem is that i don't think someone should have the right to play on the servers over someone else just beacuse they have more money
tomany people use the reserve slots as a reason to brag and honestly i have more respect for hitler then someone who brags because there parents have more money
see reserver slots are a sort of honor thing and i hate that spoiled brats are getting them by only paying minimum and think they have the right to brag
the truth is that there is only about a 5 minute wait to get in the server and the reserver slots are not totaly nesesary, and if you only have to pay $10 once and get a life time slot, thats just crap, seriusly make it a monthly thing, you will get more money, and we might weed out who actualy wants to support the site, and who just wants a reserve slot to brag about