Ok, 1. Im not a spam bot lol.
I managed to fix the huge issue that i had, phew.
Now though, i would like to install SourceOP to my Server. I am sorta a noob when it comes to this sort of stuff, i can get instant respawn by hex editing the map but i just cant get this onto my Server lol.
Its Linux and its a dedicated Server that i access via FTP. I would really appreciate total 1000% NOOB instructions for how to get this onto my Server including how to configure admins and what not.
I am currently running mani_admin which i will remove if they clash as this looks better.
Will this allow me to change the maxplayers to 32 without us going into the Costom Tab? If so, what are the risks of being removed/ip banned?
If you think i am going to have trouble installing this and would like to talk to me were we can communicate better then add me, again, on one of the following:
MSN - davida500@hotmail.co.uk
AIM - ComputerMaxD
Xfire - davida50000
Steam - davida50
And i feel rejected for being called a botjkjk
Thank you
- David