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Thread: Rumor of huge changes coming to TF2 soon? Here what I found.

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    Ramz's Avatar

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    Rumor of huge changes coming to TF2 soon? Here what I found.

    I've been hearing a lot of chat about the previously mentioned upgrades to the characters in the game. That the first one would be with the medic and their abilities. I remember reading an article online that someone posted a link to on this site saying something to that effect. I decided in my three hour break between classes and since I don't have a life to investigate this a little more, especially when people on the servers last night were making claims that this "patch" was going to have the first installments this weekend.

    In terms of the medic gun and its abilities as well as the new map, I found this:

    This link appeared to be the most updated and in depth. It was written the 16th, and it goes into good detail about the gameplay in the new map. I wish I could have read the second page about the medic's weapons but my p.o.s. laptop decided to have problems loading it.

    I'm not sure if the second article talks about whether or not these additions will take this weekend or in the very near future like some people are saying, but it does appear that it will be right around the corner.

  2. #2
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    That first article is old and inaccurate. The overhealer is no more.

    The old permanent health plan buff is out, and this stuff is in:

    The Blutsaugher
    For players that earn one third of the 36 new medic achievements, they will be given a new syringe gun. Called “The Blutsaugher,” this new weapon no longer has the ability to score critical hits against an opponent. Instead it will draw health from enemies each time a syringe hits. Especially useful as a weapon to retreat away from the fight while staying alive.

    The Critzcrieg
    Once a medic has earned two thirds of the achievements, they will be granted “The Critzcrieg.” This new medigun uses its ubercharge not for invulnerability, but to give its recipient 100% chance to fire critical ordinance. Medics and the player they are charging need to be careful though, because as much fun as it is to fire critical rockets as fast as you can, the other team will see what you’re up to and try to put a quick stop to your plan.

    The Ubersaw
    For the determined medic that has earned all 36 of the new achievements, they will find themselves the proud owner of “The Ubersaw,” which will take damage done in melee attacks and convert it directly to ubercharge. Four hits with this new weapon will fully charge whatever medigun the medic has equpped.

    And here are the achievements that you have to get 12,24, and 36 of to unlock these new weapons.
    1. First Do No Harm: Play a full round without killing any enemies and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.
    2. Quadruple Bypass: Heal a teammate who's taking fire from 4 enemies at once.
    3. Group Health: Work with 2 other medics to deploy 3 simultaneous uber-charges.
    4. Surgical Prep: Have an uber-charge ready before the setup phase ends.
    5. Trauma Queen: Deploy 3 uber-charges in less than 5 minutes, and assist in 5 kills during that time.
    6. Double Blind Trial: Deploy an uber-charge within 8 seconds of a nearby enemy medic deploying his.
    7. Play Doctor: In a team with no medics, be first to switch to medic after a teammate calls "Medic!" and then heal 500 health.
    8. Triage: Deploy an uber-charge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive.
    9. Preventive Medicine: Block the enemy from capturing a control point with an uber-charged teammate.
    10. Consultation: Assist a fellow medic in killing 5 enemies in a single life.
    11. Does It Hurt When I Do This?: Kill 50 scouts with your syringe gun.
    12. Peer Review: Kill 50 medics with your bone saw.
    13. Big Pharma: Assist a heavy in killing 30 enemies where neither of you die.
    14. You'll Feel A Little Prick: Assist in killing 4 enemies with single uber-charge on a scout.
    15. Autoclave: Assist in burning 8 enemies with a single uber-charge on a pyro.
    16. Blast Assist: Assist in exploding 5 enemies with a single uber-charge on a soldier.
    17. Blunt Trauma: Assist in punching out 4 enemies with a single uber-charge on a heavy.
    18. Medical Breakthrough: Assist in destroying 8 enemy engineer buildings with a single uber-charge on a Demoman.
    19. Midwife Crisis: Heal an engineer as he repairs his sentry while it's under enemy fire.
    20. Ubi Concordia, IBI Victoria: Assist in killing 5 enemies on an enemy control point, in a single life.
    21. Grand Rounds: Heal 200 teammates after they've called for "Medic!"
    22. Infernal Medicine: Extinguish 100 burning teammates.
    23. Doctor Assisted Homicide: Assist in killing 20 nemesis.
    24. Placebo Effect: Kill 5 enemies in a single life while having your uber-charge ready, but undeployed.
    25. Sawbones: Hit enemies with your bonesaw 10 times in arrow without dying or missing.
    26. Intern: Accumulate 7000 heal points in a single life.
    27. Specialist: Accumulate 10000 heal points health in a single life.
    28. Chief of Staff: Accumulate 10 million total heal points.
    29. Hypocritical Oath: Kill an enemy spy that you have been healing.
    30. Medical Prevention: Save a falling teammate from dying on impact.
    31. Second Opinion: Uber-Charge 2 teammates at once.
    32. Autopsy Report: Provide an enemy with a freezecam shot of you taunting above their ragdoll.
    33. FYI I Am A Medic: Use your bonesaw to kill 5 enemy spies who have been calling for "Medic!"
    34. Family Practice: Uber-charge ten of your steam community friends.
    35. House Call: Join a game that one of your friends is in and then deploy and uber-charge on him.
    36. Bedside Manner: Be healing a teammate as he achieves an achievement of his own.

    As for the release date, they said anywhere in the latter part of April.
    With my luck they'll do it tonight while I'm at the bar and can't update my server. lol

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    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    What Biggs said the update will contain is correct. The patch is scheduled for the week of the 20th.

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    Hopefully they'll do it on Sunday.

    But probably not. lol

  5. #5
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    I really hope it'll come out next friday.

    serious gaming on weeks suck imo

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    In game video w/ commentary from Ryan O'Donnell


    Flythrough of the map Gold Rush.


    Gameplay featuring the critzcreig ability.


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    17. Blunt Trauma: Assist in punching out 4 enemies with a single uber-charge on a heavy.

    Oh lawd xD

    The "FYI I am a medic" one made me lawl too.

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    Ya I laughed at FYI I am a medic one too. I like that Valve plays along with stuff like that.

    Too bad it doesn't matter for you Kaylee since you haven't started Steam in 17 days. Obviously you don't like TF2 anymore...

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    Really? They don't see how this could be abused?

    Lets see off the top of my head: 8 medics, half-crit and half-invuln, one sniper. Medics charge with bonesaw and statistically have about 45 seconds of invulnerable-critical-rapefest with a pryo. (figuring that half the medics will die, the sniper can cover them and go pyro)

    I won't mind as I will probably getting 90% of my achievements opening day because I have a dedicated [eX] server getting setup so that we can all work together to get all of the new achievements. Go clanmenship!

  10. #10
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    woot eX, dude you should give you server to a good cause, like Sop

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