Someone just added me wanting to buy keys off me. They linked to this thread as a rep thread, however the profile link was different.

Here's the profile of the impersonator:

Here's the chat we had:

6:53 PM - Bear: hi
6:53 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: hi
6:53 PM - Bear: how can I help you ?
6:53 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: im looking for keys
6:53 PM - Bear: sure
6:54 PM - Bear: I have 40 for sale atm
6:54 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: i need 4
6:54 PM - Bear: ok
6:54 PM - Bear:
6:54 PM - Bear: there's my rep thread ^^
6:55 PM - [SSA] LilMunster:
6:56 PM - Bear: hm, is that your thread ?
6:57 PM - Bear: hello ?
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: yes
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: why?
6:58 PM - Bear: um, the link in the steam profile in that thread is not this one ...
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: what?
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: i have been hacked
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: HO NO
6:58 PM - Bear:
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: i have to alert the police
6:58 PM - [SSA] LilMunster: good night
[SSA] LilMunster is now Offline.

Screenshots: - Both profiles (yours and the scammer's side by side) - You can see here, that when I clicked on the profile link from your thread, your steam account was not a "friend" of mine ... the impersonator was. - Their response when confronted.

The person is already listed as both SOP and UHC scammer on steamrep, so not much more we can do ... Might be worth warning ppl there's impersonators out there.

EDIT: The user has changed his profile pic, etc... but check my screenshots, he tried very hard to copy you