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Thread: Lowballer Revenge

  1. #11
    serkan123321's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha

    Thank god I'm not the only one who sees it.

    I say we add him to the known scammer list, and mason for encouraging this.

    I was scammed like that once. But this happened before I began trading for paypal and I didnt even know about sourceop.
    A random guy joined the trade server, said "Selling medal for hats". I sent him a trade invite with once, he took a look in my backpack, asked if I had a whoope cap, and he would trade it for whoope cap, which I didnt have. "randomly", there was a guy in server selling whoope cap. He wanted me to buy it from him if I wanted the medal, and yeah, he didnt have so much time either so he wanted me to be fast.
    I gave a v.hallmark for the whoope cap, and BAM, both were gone.

  2. #12
    Sushimitzu's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by serkan123321
    A random guy joined the trade server, said "Selling medal for hats". I sent him a trade invite with once, he took a look in my backpack, asked if I had a whoope cap, and he would trade it for whoope cap, which I didnt have. "randomly", there was a guy in server selling whoope cap. He wanted me to buy it from him if I wanted the medal, and yeah, he didnt have so much time either so he wanted me to be fast.
    I gave a v.hallmark for the whoope cap, and BAM, both were gone.
    Happened to me as well. However, what the OP describes here is not a scam - he does not benefit from doing so. He does not have a friend who happens to sell the wanted hat for Buds. He is not scamming, simply because scamming implies gaining. The way OP did it it's just a joke which is debatable.

  3. #13
    mrmason's Avatar

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    I love lowballers to be honest shitting on them is fun

  4. #14
    Amba's Avatar

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    How about somebody makes a thread about people who have hundreds of dollars worth of hats and promos paying WAY under worth to some new guy or little kid, knowing full well they could pay price and it not be a problem because they want to make a shit ton of profit and don't give a fuck who they rip off doing it. This is something a LOT of big traders here on SOP do, but nobody seems to give 0.2 of a fuck, but some kid daring to do it to you? Wow man, this kid is so much more deserving to be fucked over than one of the big traders doing it.

    That would be more entertaining than some kid just trying his luck and hoping to get a hat that would otherwise be unobtainable to them.

    tl;dr: big traders do this shit to, and nobody gives a fuck, so why should somebody care about some random kid doing it

  5. #15
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sushimitzu
    Happened to me as well. However, what the OP describes here is not a scam - he does not benefit from doing so. He does not have a friend who happens to sell the wanted hat for Buds. He is not scamming, simply because scamming implies gaining. The way OP did it it's just a joke which is debatable.
    He bald-face lied to somebody in order to get them to do a trade they otherwise wouldn't have done under normal circumstances and this isn't a scam.

    Good work.

    Also "lowballing" Is STILL a legitimate bargaining point and anybody who walks into a car dealership, pawn shop, yard sale, thrift store, or barter fair without starting on a low point to open negotiation is a retard. If you people weren't too busy being angsty children and had a clue how to negotiate when it comes to money it wouldn't bother you.

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