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Thread: Miss Baretta - biggest b-word I ever met

  1. #1
    TapSkill's Avatar

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    Miss Baretta - biggest b-word I ever met

    A few days ago, This person added me:

    'She' (?) didn't say anything for days, until a few minutes ago, when she started spamming me with indirect insults and lots of claims that I was friends with scammers. Uhm, half the people on my list don't talk to me much and just say hi every now and then, we like chit-chat. If one is a scammer, so be it, but I said some of that and she got outraged and 'left' for a minute, essentially cutting me off in the middle of a sentence, and she came back just to say that I disrespect her and I can go scam someone else. She removed/blocked me and did not give me a chance to defend myself or explain why she was wrong.

    I thought she was very rude and very aggressive. She should not have control over my friends list. I want my list private if ever possible, because I do not want people EVER telling me who I can be friends with.

    I hope people agree with my point of view, but if not, they can go to hell. I believe in liberty and the right to say "fuck off, bitch" to anyone who tries to boss me around.

  2. #2
    Butane's Avatar

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    set your steam profile to private then

    from steam client home page, on the right side, click "edit my profile"
    select the "settings" tab
    set profile status to "private" and click "save"