A few days ago, This person added me: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198007666996
'She' (?) didn't say anything for days, until a few minutes ago, when she started spamming me with indirect insults and lots of claims that I was friends with scammers. Uhm, half the people on my list don't talk to me much and just say hi every now and then, we like chit-chat. If one is a scammer, so be it, but I said some of that and she got outraged and 'left' for a minute, essentially cutting me off in the middle of a sentence, and she came back just to say that I disrespect her and I can go scam someone else. She removed/blocked me and did not give me a chance to defend myself or explain why she was wrong.
I thought she was very rude and very aggressive. She should not have control over my friends list. I want my list private if ever possible, because I do not want people EVER telling me who I can be friends with.
I hope people agree with my point of view, but if not, they can go to hell. I believe in liberty and the right to say "fuck off, bitch" to anyone who tries to boss me around.