Okay.. here's a story about a guy neamed PEN15 who thought the world of himself and expected all traders to know and bow down to his greatness....
Never tell your password to anyone.
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: ya ill buy it
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: would 300$ do it?
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: no
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: sorry
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: 325$?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: soo?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: you there i wanna buy it soon
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: 350
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: k lets do it
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: need my rep?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: link is on my profile
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: 14 pages
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: pure rep
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: mm / paypal trasactions
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: sooo...
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: http://www.sourceop.com/modules.php?...624&highlight=
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: 350 then?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: YA 350
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: srry if im in a rush just so much stuff to do in sooo little time
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: ok... gift... this payment is for bf merry revcd in ytfs.. i will not dispute and put your steam id as well
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: boxers1169@yahoo.com
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: let me know when you send
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: no mm ?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: urg i dont care
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: in in a hurry
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: im*
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: i dont know wtf i was thinking
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: we can middleman if u want
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: naa its good
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: i figured u to be pro
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: i have 14 pages of rep
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: :P
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: u got 99 usnauls
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: were good
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: lol
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: oh before i send
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: mabye blizz tossle if u add 50$?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: for ur merry and 50 bucks
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: oh... no ... but i appreciate the offer
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: k
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: can u type the mssage again
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: casue it was mispelled like crazy
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: lol
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: this purchase is for a bf merry i have recvd in tf2 i will not dispute
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: lol man sure i know those dont work
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: and youtr stewam id
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: ive done hundreds of these
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: and yer steam id
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: u dont trust me
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: they dont work but they discourage
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: :P
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: have u seen my rep....
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: u shouldnt tell everyone that
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: u cant be serious
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: need the link?
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: i see a lot of smaller purcjhases... i dont know what you mean
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: check the middle and the last page
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: like 7+
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: ive done tons of stuff
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: 2 burning tyrants
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: burning attednant
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: mm for a bunch of crap
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: i dont understand your point? i do trust you... i said you were pro
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: did i miss oemthing?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: no i mean i just dont like to be treated like some scrub
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: when i got more rep then almost everyone on sop even most of the trusted sellers
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: wtf dude... i didnt treat you like a scrub.. but if you dont like putting your steam id on a paypal slip.. i dont know what to tell you
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: i can do that
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: am i suppose to bow to you or something?
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: it doenst work
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: i know it doesnt work
? PEN15_WINNING!!™?: well the only reason u would do that is if u think im a scurb
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: what is yourpoint?
reaper0268 99+unusuals4paypal: i dont know who you are... and i really dont care.. if u cant put your fucking id is the paypal notes... u can take your rep and stick it up your ass... i didnt treat u like a fucking scrub... i dont kow what set you off.. but yer barking up the wrong tree i really dont need your fucking attitude.. yeah i read your rep... yeah i know you are a protrader... nbut as fas as i am concerened u can take your fucking business elsewhere
I blocked him
Well after that little tirade he sent his payment and then started bitching cause he didnt get his merry. I started getting warning notices over the chat that something bad is going to happen. That he sent payment and I was in trouble for not giving him his hat... sorry dude. Like really WTF? Why would you send the payment. Afterbeing notified that he had done this . I promptly refunded it so he can stop his sniveling