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Thread: don't hate the player

  1. #81
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    nice, i think my record assists as a medic are ~32, with duplex. it was terribly unbalanced teams, though

    im a stacker fag

  2. #82
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist
    nice, i think my record assists as a medic are ~32, with duplex. it was terribly unbalanced teams, though

    im a stacker fag
    Only way it could have been stacked is if it was like 14v16 or something. I don't believe a steam can be "stacked" strictly because their players are far more skilled.

    Though I know other people think otherwise, and I don't want to start any sort of argument here. Just inputing my $0.02

    And Zeit, your record assists are 23. But thats still better than me...I only have 15 :/

  3. #83
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    sorry, im dyslexic

  4. #84
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Half-Duplex
    I don't believe a steam can be "stacked" strictly because their players are far more skilled.
    Isn't that the definition?

  5. #85
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    hes arguing semantics... i can see how one can define it as "having more players then the other team," but i don't see how you can't include the player's skill in that definition.

    to each his own

  6. #86
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    When somebody says "your team is stacked" they mean that the quality of players on your team is much better.

    If one aids in "stacking a team" this means they are a good player joining a team that already has plenty of good players.

  7. #87
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    DF, I'm only saying that my definition of a "stacked" team differs from your defintion. I know there are many others that share your same opinion.

    But here's the way I see it, and hopefully everyone can make sense of my example.

    I look at it the same way I look at have two teams, they are both on the same playing field with equal amount of players. Sure one team may be more skilled than the other, but its not like the better team is given any special attributes thats gives them the added advantage. Each team is given the same tools, same resources to win. The only thing the players have a choice of is how they are going to collectively use those resources. This is why I never believe in a team being stacked strictly based on skill...

    I think the definition of stacked is when you are clearly outnumbered. When you do not have a 1 to 1 ratio in terms of players. Instead you have unbalanced teams, maybe 16 vs 14...15 vs 13, etc.

    But thats just me...

  8. #88
    Kou's Avatar

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    I guess its a good thing you don't write for Webster's Dictionary.

  9. #89
    Zeitgeist's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Copernicus
    I guess its a good thing you don't write for Webster's Dictionary.
    listen, he might not define it like you like, or like the moderators like...

    but he's a maverick

  10. #90
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Well let me shine your term of "definition" under a different light here, and keep in mind I'm not trying to be rude, start a fight...just a mere discussion...

    Lets say you have 16 noobs versus a team of 14. Now lets say 7 of those 14 are "pros".

    I've seen situations like this many of times where the team with less player lose by land slides, despite the amount of "good" players they may have. This is exactly why autobalance only occurs when one team is "stacked" with more players than the other, because the teams are uneven.

    If autobalance were to act by your defition of "stacked" in the example above, then rather than evening the teams out in numbers, it would switch two players...

    Best player on team of 14 goes to team with 16.
    Worst player on team of 16 goes to team with 14.

    ...which really wouldn't even it out at all, if you think about it. The team with less is still outnumbered...

    Sorry that was a bit long. Here's the short version for those who didn't read all of that

    My defintion: Stacked = being out numbered.

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