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Thread: don't hate the player

  1. #21
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    About 2 days ago, I killed 30 people in one life with Demo and dominated 6. Best run I've ever had. I died because the medic decided to run backwards when he ubered me..lost uber, before I knew it, I was dead.

  2. #22
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    And then he yelled:

  3. #23
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
    And then he yelled:
    I did just that. I was surprised at how many I had owned. My previous best before that was 23.

    I love pwning as demo man hahaha

  4. #24
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Demoman and soldier do not properly showcase one's true FPS skills, if you know what I mean.

    Sniper and Scout are the real deal

  5. #25
    Kaylee's Avatar

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    Soldier takes a lot more skill than people say it does, people just get mad because you can be a noob and still do pretty well at it. But I measure classes based on how quickly your effectiveness grows related to how quickly your skill with it grows.

  6. #26
    -LMA-'s Avatar

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    Well my favorite class is definitly the Medic. Me and Kou Zidan (i believe his name was) are the best medics on the server (or at least in my opinion). I love playing the medic cause I know i am the greatest help to the team with the way i play the game. I always heal all players unless with the least of health on them to charge my uber the fastest and give it to one of the better players (usually who are in the top 3 on the scoreboard) and rack up points like crazy. Also love picking off scouts with my needlegun. It's probably the most important class to have on a team and I do know the EXACT moment to ubercharge the person i'm about the uber. I usually get 1st or 2nd on the board everytime i play medic. I also enjoy playing the Spy and Demoman occasionally but not as much as medic. Don't really play much else unless i'm board.

    I'll post a screen soon if i happen to make a good run with medic sometime but for the meantime i'll just post the best round i've played.

    Score I believe was 110 at the end of it and i remember only having 10 deaths. Was pretty amazing. But yea like I said I will be posting a screen soon of another good run and/or round.

  7. #27
    SilverFox's Avatar

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    I don't have a lot of stories really.

    It is quite fun to play medic and be a butt-buddy to Kaylee (obligatory sexual innuendo), Hell-met (obligatory sexual innuendo), Asai (obligatory sexual innuendo), or any number of people that tend to do well without me as it is.

    It's quite fun being a power house and ripping through the other team.

  8. #28
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    Demoman and soldier do not properly showcase one's true FPS skills, if you know what I mean.

    Sniper and Scout are the real deal
    I'm going to have to disagree with this statement here. Because in any FPS shooter game you usually have some form of sniper, some form of rocket launcher, some form of grenades, turrets, etc. Its a matter of choosing what you're best at. I say your FPS skills are more based on how well you can actually play the game the way it was designed to be played no matter what you pick.

    All in all though, everyone has their own class, or classes. The goal of the game is to capture the point or the intel, while simultaneously warding off the other team from capturing yours. Of course staying alive is the key essence due to the fact that you are useless when you're dead. And working as a team usually proves it's worth due to the nature of each class, their dependencies on each other, and the name of the game. To me, your FPS skills (for Team Fortress 2) depend heavily on how well you can carry out those tasks, despite your class selection.

  9. #29
    Kou's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by -LMA-
    Well my favorite class is definitly the Medic. Me and Kou Zidan (i believe his name was) are the best medics on the server (or at least in my opinion).
    Gotta keep fools in line with my surgical steel.

  10. #30
    Half-Duplex's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by -LMA-
    I love playing the medic cause I know i am the greatest help to the team with the way i play the game.
    You're not bull shitting there. You and Spork are probably the best medics on the server, at least for me. The two of you have saved me many...many times.

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