This is why i dont use UTC, because i have gotten so many rude remarks about how i only deal in festives and how new effects on festives dont matter.
I usually enjoy random buddy requests because it usually means selling something. i have been shown why many people feel otherwise.
Dinoray: HEY
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: hiya
Dinoray: are u sellin unusuals?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: indeed
Dinoray: ?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: yes i am
Dinoray: how much each?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: i have a bakers boy with peace and a nuts n bolts buckaroos, im taking offers on both
Dinoray: 10$ each unusuals?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: c/o are 100$ on each
Dinoray: damn
Dinoray: i only can buy 1 then
Dinoray: i give mmh
Dinoray: 50 each?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: nah, if i wanted cash anyways i would take the 100$ offers
Dinoray: ok give u 100
Dinoray: for 1
Dinoray: how paypal?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: i dont have a paypal set up at the moment
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: thats why i dotn want cash
Dinoray: i can give my acc
Dinoray: u never got befor a paypal acc?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: i have one for school
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: but im not using it for these things
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: im making a 2nd one for tf2 items soon
Dinoray: ok
Dinoray: i give u my acc with money i u want
Call from Dinoray started.
Call with Dinoray ended.
Dinoray has ended the call.
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: no thanks, im going to try and get promos for my hats
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: i dont like doin cash
Dinoray: wait
Dinoray: i got promo
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: how many?
Dinoray: 1 but i can give other hats too
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: sorry, promo offers on both are 5 buds at the cheapest
Dinoray: what for this?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: promos as in earbuds and stuff X3
Dinoray: what u give me
Dinoray: ?
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: thats worth about a scrap
Dinoray: my dick ripper
Dinoray: mother fucker
Dinoray: go suck ur dad pussy
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: thats an alien swarm hat
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: wat
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: i dont even
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: you are rude
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: also, lrn2scamplease
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: i prefer m scammers with a little bit of a bite
M?A?Cpt.Leon?L?E: not downs syndrom
Dinoray is now Offline.