Canada = wannabe America, what's there to be jelly about?Originally Posted by Trololord
Canada = wannabe America, what's there to be jelly about?Originally Posted by Trololord
Who the fuck would want to be America in the first place lol. They are the worst country in the world. All they offer the world is entertainement and war.
They are trillions of dollars in dept and they cant even get their citizens enough jobs, they have the worst economy, they are getting into other countries buisness when they cant even take care of themselves.
They go into afghanistan to rid the country from 'terrorists' when they dont realize 90% of the population in afghanistan HATES their army.
Look at all the shooting and murders that happen inside America, they cant even get terrorists out of their own country. They are the most currupt country in the world to.
Now, would Canada wanna be a wanna be?
I am glad our world has people as stupid as you, that way I can look really smart by comparison.
I was a commando you know.
who cares if were stupid who cares if we have bad grammer we got the nukes and can blow you all to shit so go ahead and hate me just have fun doing it in hell
Political Discussions, lets do this!
World has been caling us terrorists because we are muslim.But what the fuck? Most of us don't even care about it.They think our woman are hairy and ugly.I mean americans are so DUMB!
we cant even see what your women look like you primitive idiots hide there body's, also if we are so dumb why is it you stupid ragheads still live in 3rd world countrys?Originally Posted by jasonw
Oh my god.Now we all know you are 13 buddy.You don't know shit about Turkey.You fuckstick take a lil trip and be amused you motherfucker.You cant see that kind of covered girls in the streets no longer.You dumb fuck!Originally Posted by PvtParts
This, man you got me hungry.Originally Posted by Trololord
So, we must ask ourselves, what is the dictionary definition of Terrorism?
"The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion."
But what is terror?
According to the dictionary I hold in my hand,
"Terror is violent or destructive acts, such as bombing
committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands."
So what's a terrorist?
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
When they put it on me, I tell them this
I'm all about peace and love (Peace and love)
Originally Posted by serkan123321