It is not possible for an opinion to be wrong. You asked what people's opinions were, however, you clearly are not interested in that information.Originally Posted by mrmason
It is not possible for an opinion to be wrong. You asked what people's opinions were, however, you clearly are not interested in that information.Originally Posted by mrmason
It wasn't a opinion. He said nothing changed in the game, I said hes wrong? I don't see a problem.
These are not opinions? Just sack up and change your first post to reflect what you want it to really say "check out this game that I think is awesome. Please provide feedback to support my opinion. If you do not like the game, please do not post"Originally Posted by WombRaider
what i posted was fact, not opinion
what now
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
It is common for people to state that their opinions are fact in an attempt to increase the weight of their opinions in the eyes of others.
I am being an ornery douche because I cant stand the fact that mrmason has reopened every single thread in the entire a rabid necromancer raising an army of the undead...
I apologize for allowing my distaste for your actions to taint and make bitter my view on such a plain flow of conversation.
It is annoying to take a sip of your morning coffee and open the forums to see that there has been activity...only to find out that you have already read every single thread that has 'activity'.
I suppose I should be more like glouch and reply to each one with comments like 'i hate you' or 'i hope you burn to death in a fire'
There is also the possibility that I may one day actually do some work while at my job instead of taking their money for nothing...but only time will tell....
E. UnlessThese are blatantly design features to sell tacticool garbage to idiots and teenagersOriginally Posted by mrmason
i like bashing ppl! mrmason you dumbhead youre wrong.
also, bf3 is selling for $48 on newegg this weekend, save yourself ten bucks
no server browser, so much for that
it's not supposed to be bad. i know it sounds clunky and terrible, but the people who tested it are reporting that it's pretty fucking streamlined. don't knock it till the game's come out!Originally Posted by glouch
It's still a stupid idea that removes the possibility for quite a few things.Originally Posted by unknown
I was a commando you know.