For those who plan on getting Bf3 on your computer, post your Gfx card you gon' be using.
I've got a GeForce GTX 460 SE.
For those who plan on getting Bf3 on your computer, post your Gfx card you gon' be using.
I've got a GeForce GTX 460 SE.
For those who plan on getting Bf3 on your computer, post your cat you gon' be using.
I've got a siamese himalayan.
Seriously this is stupid.
I was a commando you know.
^Originally Posted by Snarf
I have a gtx 570, but I'm such an asshole that I probably won't be getting bf3
GTX 465 1 Gig.
Good enough for BF 3 or no?
Our cards over pass the alpha trial Rec. I dont think we have to worry.
ATI Radeon HD5870
GTX 580 3 way sli
although for 24/7 use its 2 way sli and a sound card.
6790 HD Radeon, I'd think it would be good enough to play it
Probably getting an EVGA GTX 580 1.5GB. Hopefully its enough.