5770, already played the alpha and it was very smooth so I'm not worried
5770, already played the alpha and it was very smooth so I'm not worried
5770 with a i7 core? That would be a nice rig. Even if it was i5 or i3!!
Nope, Phenom II x4 (3.4ghz)Originally Posted by mrmason
Mh, pretty sure thats close to a i7. Might be i5.
I got a 5770 right now, but hopefully by the time BF3 comes out I'll have a nice new 6970 Lightning Edition.
I really want to be able to play it on max, which is why I'm willing to spend around $400 just on a graphics card for pretty much a single game.
you'll probably be able to play on high, with a 5770
If you play at 1024x768... It's highly unlikely that a 5770 will be able to play in high settings, at a playable frame rate that is.Originally Posted by mrmason
Yeah, thats what I was thinking.Originally Posted by louistf2
Right now, I can play games like BFBC2 on medium settings at 1920x1080 at just around a steady 60-70, and I'm pretty sure that BF3 will be a lot more graphically intensive.
Sure will, it's a whole new engine with new lighting, textures, models etc.Originally Posted by bowst
BFBC2 is fairly easy to max out (Including full CSAA) on a single 570 at 1920x1080, meaning you should be covered with your planned 6970. As for BF3, who knows!
I really hope you weren't just implying that a 570 cannot handle bf3's engine. Because that would be idiotic.
I was a commando you know.