I like.
I like.
The closest one to me is 1702.9 miles away according to their locater. lol
I went tonight. Very good.
Wouldn't you rather go to IFH Mondays though? http://www.break.com/index/432976-i-f-h-mondays.html
1318.35 miles, god it better be like fucking god before i go there
I kind of like Carls Jr. better in some ways... they're finally building one by me. w00t
wtf? ... WTF? ... Carl's is bad compared to In-N-Out.
Carl's Jr. is called Hardee's over here. They're sister companies or whatever.
I'm more of a Quizno's kind of guy. Mmmmmm... Toasty. :P
Haha I had Quiznos for lunch today. In-N-Out and Quiznos are the common two places I go when going out for food.