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Thread: Interview with Osama-Bin Ladens son

  1. #1
    larz's Avatar

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    Interview with Osama-Bin Ladens son

    This just seems to good to be true. I dont see what harm getting this guy to meet with Bush would be, but i dont see any good in that either. He says he would hide his father if he knew where he was(in another interview). I think He should be punished for killing all those innocents. Im a American and i like my life. It's peaceful and i want it to stay that way. I dont agree with everything my government does, and i know alot of Americans agree with me. I dont think its right to take out anger with a government against it's civilians. Im not well educated with history, but maybe my government did commit some atrocious evils in the past, and maybe some of our leaders deserve to be punished, but that doesnt make it ok for terrorists to kill people. If someone killed your kids, it does not give you the right to kill their kids. People are imperfect beings, we make mistakes. Our leaders are people too. Killing will just lead to more killing on both sides. But i fear we must continue to fight until their side is willing to have peace.

    I see pictures of Irag and other middle eastern countries on the news. It makes me sad to see all the fire, explosions, death, and despair. I can imagine why so many hate the USA. If our troops weren't their, their would not many explosions and innocent deaths. Terrorist attacks aimed at American Soldiers miss and kill innocent Iraqi Citizens, and US attacks aimed at terrorits that instead kill innocents. Again mistakes made by imperfect people. But you imagine how it would be for both sides if the US never went to Iraq or Afghanistan?

    This is my moral opinion

  2. #2
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Osama's son was militarily useless and had little to no actual power. He was responsible for almost none of the deaths that Osama was attributed to.

    You seem to be forgetting that the Iraq/Israel war was going on for HUNDREDS of years, before America even existed. This is actually the most peaceful state that the two countries have seen in about 90 years (between the two countries at least). Iraqi militarists have been blowing citizens up for hundreds of years, the only difference is that the innocent victims are other Iraqis instead of Israelis...

    Not to mention that if Iraq does have a civil war, there is a 50% chance that the "holy war" will be over. (it also has a 50% chance of giving the area, including the oil, to a group of extremists. We could improve these chances greatly in our favor, but Adolph Clinton feels it necessary to pull out troops out.)

  3. #3
    Retribution's Avatar

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    more like Gandhi Clinton, and i,m with him, we have enough problems in our own country without jacking off in Iraq

  4. #4
    larz's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retribution
    more like Gandhi Clinton, and i,m with him, we have enough problems in our own country without jacking off in Iraq
    Hillary is an idiot. Dont forget she's another Jack Thompson.

    We really dont have that many problem other than shitty health care costs and a crappy economy

  5. #5
    Retribution's Avatar

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    opps i thought you meant bill clinton
    hillary is a lesbian, we don't like lesbians

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