your joking right?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
your joking right?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
i made the mistake of going with ME
those were the last two decent operating systems windows made.
I like XP. What's wrong with it?Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
It really really sucks. It likes to cling on to registry files (that it creates) and not let you uninstall things unless it has it's own special MSI file. It has a tendency to not recognize your hardware properly so you have to delete every trace of it if you tried to use it's auto-install. 90% of it's updates in the last 2 years were just wasted of memory and processor space, dedicated to trying to prove that your copy of windows is fake so it can shut it down on you (no matter how valid your copy actually is). It's network is forcing the entire internet to run on an outdated protocol (ipv4), its filing system ruinded the standard by taking up way-in-the-fuck-too-much-space... (notice how you buy a new hard drive and 40-gigs of it is missing, NTFS FTW). They couldn't even get it to run MechWarrior 2 (or any other win95 game)... HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT TO RUN A 10-YEAR-OLD GAME(FUCK?). When you have to dual-boot your fucking computer to windows nineteen-ninety-fucking-eight in order to play a ten-mother-fucking-year-old game...
i had 0 problems with XP, and 0 problems with Vista
than your other thread was, what, for fun?
90% of the updates in the last two years were securiy updates. Only two or three of them were related to WGA.
If you really believe Windows is solely what is keeping the Internet from switching to IPv6 I laugh in your face and urge you to read more about it.
The reason you are missing space on new harddrives is not related to XP or NTFS. It's easily explained. 500GB is 536,870,912,000 bytes. When you buy a 500GB hard drive you are roughly getting 500,000,000,000 bytes and they just call it 500GB (500 billion bytes is not equal to 500GB). This is why 34GB has gone missing.
If windows were to switch over to IPv6, than the market would force itself to adapt. Just like they force themselves to adapt to every other god-damn thing windows decides to do. I know that it is also not the only factor, im just saying that Microsoft COULD make it happen (if they Microsoft wasn't a giant ball of Nazis)
Yeah, I know about all of that stuff, but with NTFS my 500 gig drive has about 430 gigs. With EXT3 and UDF it was getting it's whole 465gigs. (i haven't tried using it on any other drives, as they are all system drives and windows would piss allover it because it is a fascist)
I stopped downloading (and paying attention to...) updates because they have about a that chance of fucking something else up (see XP hotfixes) I usually just download the major ones when all of the shit is ironed out and they release it in a service pack. (although they can suck too, see XP SP1)
Because it's that easy...Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
If Microsoft was to all of a sudden drop IPv4 in Windows XP completely and force IPv6 on everyone, I still don't think the Internet would simply just switch over to it. Think about it. If it were that easy, IPv6 would have been implemented in the 90s shortly after it was conceived. People would write hacks and workarounds, switch to mac, switch to Linux, or whatever. It doesn't even matter cause Microsoft isn't that moronic.