This is my application for Administration for the server on HL2DM.
Game Name: King of Heavenâ„¢
Real Name: Jon
Age: 21 (DoB?)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15730512
Reason: Over the months I have examined the server on Half-Life 2 DM, and there are a few hackers on it, unfortunately there is not never really a whole lot of admins on it, and I would like to keep the server safe, fun and from crashing
Clans: I am a leader of of clan known as [RRB], it is small. I am also apart of SourceOp, Facepunch, The Teamwork Movement, JokerIce and National Aeronautics European Space Administration (NAESA).
Past and present leadership roles: The other night I played Super Admin on my good friend Braden Fase's listen server, we were testing out some sweps, Not alot of people joined, and if they did I would ask Braden not to abuse them, as he does abuse 2 or 3 sweps. I haven't really been admin anywhere else if that is what you are asking of me. Or I am a leader of my own group ([RRB]).
FPS's Played: Half-Life 2 DM, Garrys Mod 9 and 10, Half-Life 1 and 2, Pirates Vikings and Knights, CS:S and Just Cause.
Extra Info: There is no other extra information of importance that I wish to share in this Application requesting Administration.