Nov 10, 2010, 11:42 PM
Custom Avatar/Banner/Spray Service
I'll make avatars and banners for cash, the banner you see in my sig was made by me.
Just PM/post the general theme/style of the avatar, and any specific material you'd like in it and I'll make it. You can see a preview of it before paying, preview version will have a watermark so that you don't just run off with it.
The first 10 people get a 30% off bargain if they allow me to post their avatar/banner/spray as an example of my work, they will be credited as the owners.
General prices:
Avatar - $3
Banner - $5 (depending on the complexity, it may be more or less, but not outrageously more)
Spray - $4, $3 if its very simple
Animated Avatar - $5
Animated Banner - $9
Animated Spray - $6
--Depending on the number of frames in an animated image this may be more or less.
--Keep in mind that animated sprays in Source games can't be larger than 256kb, so don't expect long animations
Images will be given in any format you desire, including .PSD's (Photoshop) or .xcf's (GIMP) if you would like to preserve the layers for future work.
I will convert them to VTF's for sprays if you desire.
You can expect it within a day, though if I get lots of requests it may take longer.
All payments are to be made via Paypal as Gifts.
Also, please note that I live in Ontario, Canada, so what might be day for you could be night for me, so when I say completed within a day, I mean a day in my timezone. For example, it is about 11:52PM currently where I live.