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76561197979925166 Steam join date: Dec 24, 2005
Steam Level: 44
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While google-surfing the web, I found the most talented 3rd party mod work that I have ever seen for Half-Life2. I was wondering if DF would be willing to make SourceOP compatible with some of these up-and-coming mods, And maybe even form a partnership with these mods and make SourceOP built into these mod's online multiplayer servers.
This would make SourceOP a lot more popular, bringing in more donations, allowing you to create and uphold one of the best server-side mods anybody could ever ask for.
These mods are going to bring a new look at gaming, Half-life2 is the only game that not only provide awesome game play and top-of-the-line graphics AND shares the engine (that had evolved severely since their predecessors) and lets people make their own game that they can share and play over Valve's STEAM system. SourceOP is going to make a great addition to this breakthrough
edit: spell-checked
edit: "a lot" spelled wrong :P