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76561197979925166 Steam join date: Dec 24, 2005
Steam Level: 44
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Yeah, whenever I am a pyro I sporadically do a quick 360 whille spraying fire, just to see if any of my mates get lit up... good for anti-spy. How does my internet fail? SourceOP is one of the only servers that is that slow for me. It is slow for every other ISP that I have seen in washington, also. If anything the server hosing fails and you make baseless accusations. And if my internet REALLY failed than how would I play on servers based in Stanton Island and Miami Falls, Florida with half the ping of this server?
ISPs I have tried
Comcast 12mb/512kbit cable @ 150ping,
School's T1 line 2mbit/2mbit 120ping, My aunt's T3 @ 5mbit/5mbit 120 ping,
My freind's Dsl@ 2mbit/512mbit 220 ping,
My freind's cable based in evrett 190ping,
multiple friends in the tri-citiy, Olympic and Seattle areas got about 200 ping.
I have a cousin in oregon who got about 100, which is almost playable...
I am just trying to say, this server's ping rapes the shit out of the northwest