Nov 20, 2007, 10:00 PM
Some Ideas
- In both documentations (wiki + main page) the commands are missing:
- Add command for teleoporter/portal, like old hl1 entmod
- Not important: remove entity by name, like cheat command ent_remove/ent_remove_all
- One command that auto-toggle freeze/unfreeze like in sourceforts, there you press key r and it will change from freeze to unfreeze or back (usefull for building with Gravity Gun)
- Extended admin_lookingat (or a new command?): i am not a mapper but in sourceforts i think there are special values like spawnflags that decides the block freezestatus.
I dont know how to write it but if i spawn something with e_spawnprop it is not freezable with the sourceforts command - only if i put the spawned part over the flag (from sourceforts). I think after that at least one flag is added/changed.
Here is an example what i mean with the spawnflags flag - a howto for pre-built forts: