Hi, I can't seem to be able to get the plugin to load under PVK II with Metamod:Source 1.8.7.

When I use the following VDF, the plugin doesn't load by itself:

	"file"	"../pvkii/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix"
and when I try to manually load it through plugin_load (plugin_load ../pvkii/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix), I get this:
Unable to load plugin "../pvkii/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix"
Unable to load plugin "../pvkii/addons/daf/bin/dosattackfix"
(No, it doesn't print anything else :\)

The server is running on a Debian Linux 6.0 (Squeeze) box, architecture amd64.
I must add that the plugin is running perfectly fine on a TF2 server running on the same box.
