Jul 05, 2011, 12:00 AM
Suggestion for a new map in the Prop Hunt server
I was asking people who were playing on the prop hunt server, if they got a new map what map would they like to see. And a lot of them said they would love the prop hunt map Kakariko Village would be the map they would like to see. I first heard of this map on another prop hunt server so I google searched it and found it on the gaming masters forums. According to the post most people like it. The post can be found here and the post includes a download link and screen shots:
I haven't personally tried it but judging by other people and the screen shots it looks like a fun map, smaller than most but it's a good balance for the bigger maps on the prop hunt server. I hope you guys look into it because I for one am I big fan of Legend of Zelda: A link to the past! Thanks for taking the time at looking at it and hopefully you like it as much as me.