IP=> Internet Protocol=> An IP is a unique number for every computer which links us to the internet
IP=> Internet Protocol=> An IP is a unique number for every computer which links us to the internet
good answer for someone who knows so little, your ip is given to you by your isp, it alows them aswell as other to determine who and where you are, you can not change you ip, only your isp can change it, the problems you are having have nothing to do with it, your problem is that you can't connect to the steam master server because there is something blocking the connection, like a closed port or firewall
yes that too but, you Can change your IP, in fact it chacnges alot now the converstaion is over!
either your talking about proxys, which isn't actualy changing your ip, it just makes it look like it changed, or your talking about ports, which is not your ip, though it is displayed with it
changing your IP takes about a month, and most ISPs charge about 50$...
dude hes confused enough, don't add uesless info![]()
Most ISPs assign dynamic IPs and typically change each time your router or modem is reset.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
static IPs are better for game servers...
Yes, but they typically have an extra charge associated with them, and I'm not sure King will be able to convince mommy and daddy to get one or two.
financial and socialistic pwnage.