dont fucking curse. Who said you were allowed to fucking curse???? your the fucking king of heaven!!!! The fucking king of heaven is not supposed to fucking curse!!!!Originally Posted by King_of_Heaven
dont fucking curse. Who said you were allowed to fucking curse???? your the fucking king of heaven!!!! The fucking king of heaven is not supposed to fucking curse!!!!Originally Posted by King_of_Heaven
No fucking really!!! fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck!!! Look I know some commands but I need to know how to use them from the outside of the server, I mean through the console of the dedicated server but I can't add an admin, or am I an admin automaticaly? and seriously who gives a F*** whether or not I curse that was because you pissed me off and was (in a way) an accident but for this post I did it on purpose! sorry!
hey well you brought it on yourself, when you flamed me
Okay to f*** it I now need to know how to create a account for sourceop wiki it wint let me me... can you help
See thats what I am looking for, that type of infothx!
What in the fuck is wrong with the directions? Is the English in them too good for you or something? Do they need to create a Babelfish option to translate it directly into "IDIOT"?Originally Posted by King_of_Heaven
I can see you won't help me then...
I will help you when you ask a question that couldn't be easily solved by [A. Reading the directions.] [B. Reading the wiki] or [C. Google searching]
okay 1st of all I dont know where to find A. and 2nd the wiki has partially helped me in to log on but the rest is commands and I have googled it.... that was the 1st thing I had done so...