That assumes that they aren't already having sex. They are both ignoring everyone else and focusing on the guy speaking gibberish, only to come in to say NOBUDY CAREZ.
That assumes that they aren't already having sex. They are both ignoring everyone else and focusing on the guy speaking gibberish, only to come in to say NOBUDY CAREZ.
I was a commando you know.
A. No one knows who you areOriginally Posted by Snarf
B. You picked a game out based on looks and not gameplay, why should anyone care what you think?
I'm still pretty sure that aesthetics are still a large part of the game.Originally Posted by Adder
Psychologically certain things get imprinted on us. The four main things that get imprinted on us in video games are the aesthetics, the sound-scape, the interaction, and in online games the community. These things create the overall 'feel' of the game and everybody has different opinions on which one of these is the most important.
A good analogy is a car. Picking a game based off of gameplay is tantamount to picking a car because it handles good. Which in itself isn't bad, but if that car has horrible engine noise and is rusted through the paint then not many people are going to care about how you feel about it.
The moral of the story is that this is all very subjective, and using subjective criteria to dismiss somebody's opinion based off of something which is also subjective is sort of douchey.
So that addresses absolutely nothing. I don't think we are trying to debate whether or not you give a shit about my opinion.Originally Posted by Adder
I was a commando you know.
snarf rhymes with barf xD
Adder, you should inform yourself about the basics of design. When it comes to creating something that is to be used often (such as a video game), there are various criteria that determine how well designed this specific entity is.
- Practicality: In terms of video games, practicality is the aspect of gameplay. I hope I do not have to explain what makes good gameplay.
- Aesthetics: This is what Adder does not (want to) see. If it really was all about practicality, all of us would play old games with perfect gameplay but bad graphics. Some people are like this, but actually aesthetics are a factor that has to be included in the analysis of games such as TF2. Do not mistake "aesthetics" for "realism", though. Picasso's cubist paintings are perceived as beautiful as well, despite clearly not being realistic. Same goes for TF2, making the world of TF2 look serio-comical with bright colours was a clever design decision of the developers. TF2's look is not realistic and yet it is beautiful. Part of what makes TF2 so awesome are details such as the perfect character design. Look at CS:S, you do not need personalities for the person you are playing, but still it greatly increases the fun of playing if you can relate to the character.
- Symbolic function: Subjectively perceived value attached to the object; emotional output. In other words, people do not buy oldtimers because they are practical or aesthetic, they buy it because these old cars have a vintage feeling to it which the buyer likes. Also includes symbolic value, as in, a brand item is worth more than a no-name item. As for TF2, we often see that the symbolic function is more important than the aesthetics. Max's Severed Head is not actually worn because it is pretty, rather people like it for its rarity and want to show that they possess it.
real quick aside: if anyone reading this has any questions about the competitive tf2 scene or how to get into it, just PM me...
glouch, to answer your question on the last page, i started playing tf2 almost 3 years ago i think. and yes, it's more fun now. not just because im better, but because i feel like the variety keeps the game interesting. there's not an enormous amount of metagame in tf2; most of it comes down to "did you position yourself well, and did you aim well?
Getting into the comp scene isn't difficult... Go pug, meet people, get good.
I was a commando you know.
well obviously competitive is better in this regard because a) all the shit weapons get filtered out because they're useless, meaning that you pretty much never see some weapons, and b) OP weapons are banned. Out of curiosity, how many weapons are currently banned in the main leagues?Originally Posted by unknown
When I quit it was the sand man the direct hit and the buff banner, but this was before the polycount update. I imagine the list has grown but different leagues ban different things.
I was a commando you know.