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Thread: Cheaters for everyone

  1. #31
    QuickSkope's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adder
    Quote Originally Posted by glouch
    Al Isn't it obvious that any semblance of visual aesthetic has been fucked up completely? Not to mention that the gameplay, which was once at least somewhat elegant, is now bloated and full of shit.
    Who gives a shit about the visual aesthetic of an online shooter? If you buy games based on the fucking art design and not the gameplay then you are retarded.

    Also bitching about micro transactions makes you look like an idiot.
    Trolling everysingle post makes YOU sir look like an idiot.

    Most people love TF2 for it's art, it's one of the reasons it's so popular.

  2. #32
    Snarf's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adder
    Quote Originally Posted by glouch
    Al Isn't it obvious that any semblance of visual aesthetic has been fucked up completely? Not to mention that the gameplay, which was once at least somewhat elegant, is now bloated and full of shit.
    Who gives a shit about the visual aesthetic of an online shooter? If you buy games based on the fucking art design and not the gameplay then you are retarded.

    Also bitching about micro transactions makes you look like an idiot.
    Aesthetics are a HUGE part of EVERY game. Why do you think all these brown shooters look so fucking generic? The reason I fell in love with tf2 was the aesthetics, it made it look unique and different. Now it just looks bloated and cheap.
    Aesthetics decide the complete feel of the game, putting hats in tf2 is like putting heavy metal in Tron.
    I was a commando you know.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snarf
    Aesthetics are a HUGE part of EVERY game. Why do you think all these brown shooters look so fucking generic? The reason I fell in love with tf2 was the aesthetics, it made it look unique and different. Now it just looks bloated and cheap.
    Aesthetics decide the complete feel of the game, putting hats in tf2 is like putting heavy metal in Tron.
    This. I frankly don't give a shit about graphics per se, but I can't stand the same old brown-grey color palette in the call of dooties of the world. TF2's vibrant art style is one of the best things about the game. Take a look at a game like Mirror's Edge, which had meh gameplay, but an incredible art style that made the game at least some fun.

    Playing tf2 at this point is like joining a server with birthday mode enabled. Everything looks like total shit and it pisses me off. Why is the fucking soldier, who takes himself so seriously, wearing a stupid bunny hat?

    You also know there's a problem with your game when people care more about getting a hat, a purely cosmetic item, than they do about acquiring weapons, which actually help you in the game. It means that the core gameplay is less important than the surrounding bullshit. "Okay," you say, "just ignore the hats and enjoy the game." Well it's not that easy. It's like being the only sober person at a party full of drunk people. The vast majority of tf2's player base fawns over stupid shit and fills up the in-game chat with talk about stupid shit. And even those who claim to only like hats ironically are the same fuckers who change their steam name to WTT: DUMB HAT#1 FOR DUMB HAT#2. Don't delude yourselves. Not to mention the fucking ads for the goddamn store when you launch the game, and the shitty updates that add more retarded hats. Microtransactions are more than just an annoyance; they threaten the core enjoyment that a game can provide, especially when they're done in such an annoying manner as tf2, with a community full of both apologists and retards.

    Also like I said, the aesthetics are only part of the problem. The other great thing about tf2 was the fact that it was a class based shooter with pretty simple mechanics, but the game still had a huge amount of strategy and depth. Now there are hundreds of items, some of them useless, some of them blatantly overpowered, and some of them that completely break the definition of the class they belong to. It's like launching internet explorer 6 on your mom's computer and finding 20 toolbars that fill up the half the screen, while the program eats up all of your ram. You can't constantly add weapons to a game and hope to keep it balanced. Valve abandoned their core design philosophy - just compare the developer commentary to the state of the game now.

    And whenever someone raises criticisms like these, they're immediately shot down with "QQ" and "no one cares, don't let the door hit you on your way out." That's fine until a significant percentage of the people who used to play stop playing as a direct result of this shit.

    so... airplane food, huh?

  4. #34
    Norrec's Avatar

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    emo ginger lives to wear virtual hats

  5. #35
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by beefntators
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatRandomFella
    I think your over-looking the fact that Vac is shit, so easy to get past.
    Yeah. Anybody with 12$ can get private hacks that automatically update to be undetectable.

  6. #36
    Drbumpy's Avatar

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    I like tf2

  7. #37
    glouch's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Drbumpy
    I like tf2
    do you like it more or less than you did 2 years ago?

  8. #38
    Adder's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by QuickSkope

    Trolling everysingle post makes YOU sir look like an idiot.

    Most people love TF2 for it's art, it's one of the reasons it's so popular.
    How am I trolling?

    And how can you answer for 'most people' ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Snarf

    Aesthetics decide the complete feel of the game, putting hats in tf2 is like putting heavy metal in Tron.
    Pretty sure the GAMEplay decides the complete feel of the GAME.

  9. #39
    ibby's Avatar

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    I've been TF2-free for two weeks now, and I've never felt better.

  10. #40
    glouch's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by ibby
    I've been TF2-free for two weeks now, and I've never felt better.
    I remember telling you to quit 6 months ago, and you said "yeah I really should..." :P

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