Free to play+game with a hacking community=Free to hack. Step right up and enjoy your risk free aimbotting folks. And yes I read the blog post where they stated they would do something about cheaters.
Free to play+game with a hacking community=Free to hack. Step right up and enjoy your risk free aimbotting folks. And yes I read the blog post where they stated they would do something about cheaters.
I was a commando you know.
Wow now everyone knows they can hack and get away with it thanks for telling everyone snarf
I think the word FREE summed that up.
Let's not forget that this also allows hackers to test their hacks in rapid succession, meaning not only does this update make hacking risk-free. It also will allow hackers to make better hacks, good thinking there valve.
I was a commando you know.
For some reason, I think this pic fits this topic very well.
Nah, this just means people will pay 15$ for private hacks and then setup 800 idling accounts
I was going to make a topic about this but might as well post it here, I'm wondering if DF is going to add more admins to the servers because with free to play coming into effect there are going to be more people trying to hack on the servers. Most of them will start out on the 2forst servers but i'm sure it will spread sooner or later.
and just when I thought tf2 couldn't get any worse
yeah, I didn't buy Portal 2 because of how badly valve was fucking up TF2, and now I'm just gonna quit and boycott everything they ever make. see ya guys, was fun while it lasted.