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Thread: The "Post Your Gaming Rig" Thread

  1. #11
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    And I suppose you put the towels down because you like working on computers with background static electricity.

    EDIT: Just remembered that you're working on a mac and that a scratch on the case would be more devastating to its function than a static shock to the north-bridge.

  2. #12
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    -I live in AZ where you can build up a static charge by standing still, towels or not
    -The towels were to protect the glass once it was taken off for the replacement
    -I always properly ground myself before working on anything. Hard-ass EE prof's and accidentally frying 6 lab pc parallel ports taught me that.
    -Damn straight I don't want to scratch its sweet and sexy solid aluminum body.

  3. #13
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    I see no grounding equipment near that computer. I suppose you think that just by touching the metal of the case grounds you even when the computer isn't turned on and it's sitting on cotton. Even so why would you properly ground yourself and then you put a heavy static conductor between you and your computer and then claim to have taken an electronic engineering class?

    The concept of frying parallel port with an unintentional static charge made me chuckle because they essentially work in grounded pairs and the controllers were beefy as fuck.

    What did you break off pins 18-25 and then rub them with a balloon and paper towels?

    And the only way I could conceivably believe a mac was sexy is if I also thought other extremely simple shit was sexy like light switch covers, or toilet seats. (ZOMG SO SIMPLISTIC AND ELEGANT)

  4. #14
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    I have a grounding strip I clip a wrist band to on the other side of my desk (where I was working since the hard drive is the most easily accessible on that side), and the towel didn't move. The towel isn't going to magically gain and impart a charge setup like that.
    And I should have been clearer on the parallel ports - The project I was working on went from a multiplexer circuit to the port. Ground pins on the parallel ports were not the same as true ground; that difference in potential between "ground" on the port and the ground from the power strip is what fried the one of the data pins. By grounding to the case the issue didn't repeat.
    As to finding it sexy - it's classic industrial design. Simple yes, but that's a point. It's a computer; it shouldn't have to have LED strips/fans, or an overly complicated plastic case.

  5. #15
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    The towel isn't going to magically gain and impart a charge setup like that.
    I know, static electricity would have to be able to like build up in arid environments. Like in the air. But then the air would have to be made out of atoms or something.

    Imagine such a world where so much of it built up in the atmosphere that giant discharges of static could reach from the sky to the ground.

    This is all so fucking crazy, man.

    I should write a harry potter fanfic about magical electrical particles that are smaller than the eye can see that can charge and discharge in airborne particulates in low humidity, such as dust.

  6. #16
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    I always love Dopp threads because OZA cracks me up.
    I was a commando you know.

  7. #17
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    A: 12Gb ddr3 @1600 OCZ Gold . (wtf was I thinking, overkill)
    B: i7-920 OC to 2.99
    C: hp dvdrw drive
    D: duel TV tuner card
    E: ati 5770 clock oc 780 mem oc 1250 (stable)
    F: ht omega striker 7.1
    G: cm truepower 750
    H: cm haf 932
    I: wd raptor 300 (game os) seagate 1t (files) seagate 1t (regular os)
    J: asus p6x58d

    merc stealth keyboard/g500 mouse/gamecon 367 headset(gaming) /creative 5.1 speakers. A shitload of other crap to lazy to post. been meaning to upgrade it for awhile now, its about 2 1/2 years old. desktop looks like this still:
    edit: smasung syncmaster 204b

  8. #18
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    So much ram :O

    Can't see when you need more than 6-8th unless your running hardcore editing shit.

    Yeye, Butane reppen the HAF :3

    And I REALLY hope you replaced that stock cooler :crossfingers:

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    I know, static electricity would have to be able to like build up in arid environments. Like in the air. But then the air would have to be made out of atoms or something.

    Imagine such a world where so much of it built up in the atmosphere that giant discharges of static could reach from the sky to the ground.

    This is all so fucking crazy, man.

    I should write a harry potter fanfic about magical electrical particles that are smaller than the eye can see that can charge and discharge in airborne particulates in low humidity, such as dust.
    So you're suggesting the potential differences between the towel (or desk, or chair, or dust) can manifest so large with minimal movement, and have that potential not transfer to the case, then to me as I handle it grounded, but instead builds up like a giant capacitor made of balloons and felt, arcs instead to the case from the towel and into the power supply (or, for the sake of argument, through one of the ports and past its power bus) and shoot directly into something important on the motherboard? Or are you suggesting the towel is the manifestation of Storm from the X-Men?
    In any case, the fanfic sounds like a shockingly dry read.

  10. #20
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    Take out the parts where you're being intentionally dense and it's actually plausible.

    Hence why you don't see many IT shops working on computers on terry cloths.

    Also I fail to see how a desk is a proper ground.

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