I swear I've seen him before, but where?
final combat
I swear I've seen him before, but where?
final combat
Why are a bunch of firefighters playing team fortress 2?
I was a commando you know.
When did they update the soldier to use the pyros fire-axe?
Why are there so many rip-offs of TF2? There's also this anime one, isn't it?
To be fair, H.a.v.e/Toys tries to be different.Can't wait to soldier leap to kill some Rifles on 2adjacentbuildings.
all cartoon shooters are like that.
OOOHHHH "CALL OF DUTY" COPIED REAL LIFE!!!!!1!11!1!1!1!!1!1!!!1
watch the videos before you replyOriginally Posted by vipersnake52
Call of duty copied action hero movies. Also holy shit look at the gameplay. this is such a shameless ripoff, they even use the same animations.
I was a commando you know.
And sounds including weapons and announcers.
And skins for the weapons. The rocket launcher in other videos is the exact same skin of the original rocket launcher in TF2.