Okay I need help with the sigs... How do I get them? or whereI mean like I like larz's one it looks cool but how do you get it?
Okay I need help with the sigs... How do I get them? or whereI mean like I like larz's one it looks cool but how do you get it?
Click Profile at the top.
okay thx but how do I get a link or like a pic or even like larz's one?
Use the URL bbcode.Originally Posted by King_of_Heaven
Make one and then use the Img bbcode.Originally Posted by King_of_Heaven
Use the XFire sig thing.Originally Posted by King_of_Heaven
Thx and I know this has nothing to do with the sig but have I got some admin abilities like larz he asked about admin_ban and thats only for admins right... is he an admin or can even I use that command?
That command is admins only. You are not an admin therefore you can't use the command.
So that means larz is an admin...?
Who said he used the command?
well if you look at this topic http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name...iewtopic&t=290 and what is this? http://sourceop.com/modules.php?name=SOPUsers
That must have been when he was running his own SourceOP server. And that page that you asked about is a list of special people.