Oh look who it is, its meeeee. Bet this thread last a whole 2 seconds before DF reads it and deletes it. Anyway, DF you said I didn't hack last year (yet my ban stuck) and yesterday you said it again, then ignored/deleted me. So whats the deal, why am I being banned for hacking if I don't? Seems to me like nobody else should be better than GD, otherwise you get the ban hammer!
You also said "why do you want to play on a server where people think you hack". You see the thing is, a lot of my friends play on sourceop servers, I don't come to your server looking to start shit. People automatically start shit with me if im pwning them. Im not saying that I don't talk shit back, because I do, and if im being banned for "talking shit" why aren't the other guys being banned as well?
All this goes back to me and GD, its like they bitch to you about me and you're tired of hearing them bitching so you ban me to shut them up. The least you could do is grow a pair of nuts and man up to the real reason im being banned.