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Re: Duke Nukem Forever MP, Swenglish screaming wussies....

Originally Posted by
I guess I got a little edgy by the first one calling me a wimpy faggot.
Do you not speak english or something? Nobody called you a wimpy faggot. Though I'm sowwy if your feewings were huwt.

Originally Posted by
And, you other two: Why would I bother trolling? I like the game, you fellows seem mad about me liking it, so again it seems quite stupid to respond to a thread that appreciates it.
Oh internet, never change. Infinitely hilarious. <3
You're an idiot, if we were mad about anything it would be how dense you are.

Originally Posted by
Also, for some sorta discussion or whatever: What is your opinions of Duke Nukem Forever?
What are your opinions guys? Oh get out of this thread, I only allow opinions that agree with me in this thread.
Also nobody hated it for the stupid jokes, they hated it for the shitty gameplay and the generic garbage that it was. Even the call of duty single players were better than this.
I was a commando you know.