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Thread: InuYasha's translators

  1. #1
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    InuYasha's translators

    Holy crap, I am watching the show to kill time at 2am, and some of the shit they say is just horrible. like miroku trying to sound smart:

    they walk into a cave and see a giant crystaline figure surrounded by demons and a statuesque woman and he yells (yes yells) "THAT armor is over 200 years OLD, I wonder if she is some sort of ANCIENT WARRIOR" like, no shit? thanks!

    another instance is where he and his party have been fighting a group of demons that have formed a perfect circle around a small hut. They had been fighting for a few hours, trying to get into the hut but being pushed back multiple times, and he feels the need to yell (again) "I GET IT NOW, THE DEMONS MUST NOT WANT US TO GET CLOSE TO THAT HOUSE!!!"

    And why don't they use their huge pile of ultimately powered jewels to make shippo not make me want to capture baby foxs and light them on fire. Or put them in somebodies arms and legs, or grind them into a silk hat for frosty to wear, OR DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN PUT THEM ON YOUR NECK AND WATCH THEM GET STOLEN EVERY OTHER DAY!!!

    Another thing that bothers me is the moon cycle, which appears to go along the lines of: Every day is a full moon, except there is a new moon every other week!

    One last thing they need is a plot chart that lets me know all of the episodes that are fillers so I can just download the 40 episodes that progress the story and save me 60 hours (120 eps) of watching stupid bullshit.

  2. #2
    Retribution's Avatar

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    you think thats bad, watch in jappanese with sub titles and you will realize that that isn't what he even said originaly

  3. #3
    larz's Avatar

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    I would like to know why everyone hates this anime.... and why i have wet dreams about kagome

  4. #4
    Retribution's Avatar

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    1. i don't know, proboly becauz it never ends
    2. your a pedophile, kagome is only 15 you freak of nature

  5. #5
    larz's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retribution
    1. i don't know, proboly becauz it never ends
    2. your a pedophile, kagome is only 15 you freak of nature
    ive accepted the fact that i was a pedophile awhile ago....

    Technically Im a pedophile due to my girlfriend being 17 until the 18th of this month that is

    And i would love to have intercourse with Emma Watson so shove it XD

  6. #6
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    pedophillia is usually a 4+ year age gap, and they hate the show because FUNIMATION knows nothing about marketing, casting, or PR, and are halves of retards.

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