lol this thread is awesome
lol this thread is awesome
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
xDOriginally Posted by glouch
D: nooo, all these faces are making me mads.If anymore faces pop up I'll be forced to change this into a silent hill 2 topic for some reason I can't think of because I'm so mad.
In 1984, a Canadian farmer began renting ad space on his cows.
Which led to the outbreak of mad cow disease.Originally Posted by glouch
It seems I took all the crazy awesome obscure facts for myself and left everyone else sadI have little to add on valve games , but since my package got delayed .. its time for some crazy awesome creepy spooky things about games!!!
*Those darn wittle humping thingies(the set up)
Those things that are small, and make everything that isn't you into something not as annoying.Of course they instant kill their victims(or maybe they don't), but they die to you rather quickly and don't really effect you.
Now for alien vs predator games ,the marines always have it the worst.The harder,longer,and darker stages all belong to that...lucky marine.He goes in fighting what might be endless drones,few predators, then takes a break near a egg that might as well be a computer with that maze game on.Its a dark room with nothing in there,but your radar keeps beeping..and you hear it waddling about.The moment it gets close to you, the game pops it on your screen(bam!)... with screaming..can't remember if it was or I.
*why won't you hug me, aren't I kawaii ugg~~
Stage three is about 7-10 minutes long, broken in 3 parts.Going to a room, going down a platform and then up another, wandering around until you find an exit.I rushed the first two parts then saved(the only save I was allowed) at the start of the third part, but the problem with this was a facehugger followed me by also using the god damn moving platforms so its right behind me.The two things I fear in games is sudden pop ups and water(god help me if they combined the two).So the first thing that comes to mind is take out the flame thrower and torch everything.After everything but it was on fire(including myself),I heard it right next to me so I just jumped off and died from the fall damage.I thought it was over, but it turns out during the fade to black death screen the facehugger can still hug there I was burning,dead,facehug, and crying
avp2(or what I like to call it, the good one)
*want come candy?
The first 8-20 minutes of marines campaign is just going from point a to b with pred noises and alien hisses.How dare they put atmosphere in a fps thats nothing like half-life.
avp2 muti player is wayyy different then tf2, you pick your race and class.
Theres a mode where go on to a point and wait, and a mode where you fight with 1 life each!!
Most of the time one team attacks, while the other camps and defends.
Some weapons are annoying like the sniper rifle, and some are worthless like the flamethrower.
People tend to bitch about grenades spamming and stuns though ;/
yep two very different games.
new avp
Everyones a little bit racist
Go through the whole marine side not really seeing who you are(thats new, righthhtt?), last level the camera goes side ways showing your guy is black.I just watched thinking whos he and when did he get here, and at the end was wondering where he went when they gave me back control.
Still playing AVP 2 myself. The Marine and Alien missions were quite good. The Predator mission is meh at best.