May 23, 2011, 01:55 AM
SourceOP prophunt ideas
I had a few ideas for the prophunt server that would be interesting
Updated maps for: Harvest -> Spookyharvest ... or just remove the map. No one likes it.
Update Oasis please!
Could we somehow get an option to mute the music from the musicbuttons, not sure if this is possible but I figured I would ask.
Could we get ctrl+click to proplock for the one and only? Once you are the last one you can no longer proplock which is quite ifuriating to some of us regulars.
Limit heavies to non-natascha weapons
Allow medics as a playable class for pyros
Also add Manor/Prop Hotel (Both are on freefrag and are quite fun)
And even though I don't see why, quite a few people would like an rtv option because we get 10 minutes into cyberpunk and everyone wants to leave. Almost everytime cyberpunk comes up half the server ends up quitting.
Other than that I love the server and thanks for hosting it! It's greatly appreciated. Also, I understand that some of this might be impossible but I figured I'd ask.
Thanks again.