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I've used a fairly wide array of languages, and python is far and away my favorite. So you're already off to a good start with it.
I'd stick with what DF said and go for C/C++ next, preferably both, in that order to understand the progression and differences. More important than that it lets you get a grip on what other languages are, what they're good for and can/can't do. I know CIS/MIS courses tend not to teach things like pointers because of the fact you'd never use them for, say, an accounting app, but knowing what they are, how they work and how compilers actually treat them is a key insight that will let you approach other languages differently.
Java and C# are popular, yes, but if you're seriously about learning how to program, stick with the fundamentals to start. It's the launching point you need for either web (PHP, perl, Python) or application (C's many flavors, Java, Python) programming.
If you're interested in embeded systems, also look into PASCAL (basis for some hardware descriptive languages, but it still sucks as a language, and you need to actually understand IC electronics to use it) and BASIC (pBASIC is used for a few kits out there that are fun, no IC knowledge needed). Assembly is just a beast you have to try to know if you enjoy/get it. Having tried both Intel and Motorola assembly, knowing what you know of Python should be enough to get you started with a beginning dev kit.
In any event, you have time to learn a lot, just remember once you learn the basics in something like C++, it's just syntax that keeps you from learning something new.