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Blades are fun [(56k warning)]
Here is something I didn't know, Washington state has almost NO laws for bladed weapons if you don't try to conceal them. That is great because last Thursday I was robbed at knife-point (pinned me to a fence with a knife to my throat while they jacked my stuff). Another great piece of news is that police in Spokane opparently don't give a shit about aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. (all titles are links to the Cold Steel Website)
This is great because Cold Steel has a great selection of knives on their lineup, and here is my list of the ones I may or may not use when I find the people who robbed me:
The Corsican

This little number is my first choice for obvious reasons, the blade is thin enough to go right between the spaces in the rib cage, and with a razor's edge on that (which I am good at making) they probably won't even feel it sliding in. Not only that, but it is tapered at the base of the blade, as well as airated like a cheese knife, making pulling it back out of... er... beef? yeah, pulling it out of beef a breeze. (could just imagine sliding this thing into the base of somebodies spine and watching the look of terror on their face as their legs go numb and fall out from underneath them, A sinister figure stands above them, silhouetted against the moon as he stands triumphantly, laughing maniacally as it was completely not worth it for as his victim now knows that the 50$ MP3-player he obtained was not worth permanent paralysis.)
Talwar Folder

This one is an obvious second choice, This one is a folding blade under the limit of concealment, So I can carry this one in my pocket and not have to publicly display it in order to carry it. Don't let it's size fool you, though, this pocket sword is packs a punch. It is obviously more suited in an actual combat situation than the Corsican, mainly because if held at the ball at the base of the handle, it is known to gather the same force as some swords. I have seen a demonstration of this knife and seen what it can do to a side of beef, all while keeping an amazing pace and speed.
Two-Handed Great Sword

This one is a fucking great-sword. It is fucking 55 inches tall. Enough said.