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Originally Posted by
for the record all that coding stuff isn't nesesaraly part of sourceOP
By coding, do you mean the stuff that I do or the stuff admins have to type in console and such?
Also, the reason for the admin access levels is simple. It makes since in binary.
For example level 1 is represented as:
0000 0001
2 is
0000 0010
4 is
0000 0100
So if I want an admin to have those three levels, i just put the bits together and get 7 (4+2+1):
0000 0111
Then when SourceOP checks to see if an admin has access to level 2 commands, it just checks that second bit to see if it is one or zero.
I understand that this is confusing for some, so thats one of the reasons I allowed the server owners to set admin permissions on a per command basis as well. Admins can deny or allow specific commands.